Deschooling is a huge on going state of being in our lives. The first few weeks have been crazy. I am learning so much. I thought I would give a little break down of how our first week looked.
Monday and Tuesday were spent at home, playing, doing a few 'science' experiments from this book, we love it. It's so simple and fun. We enjoyed a lot of free reading. Monday Sonny was at nursery so there was times where Levi was bored and unsure how to occupy himself which I allowed him to be until he either asked me to play or found something to do.

This was really interesting as I would have thought he would enjoy having all the books, toys and my attention to himself but as he hasn't had this time since Sonny was born, he really wasn't used to it and so wasn't really comfortable.
Wednesday we had the pleasure of meeting up with another local home ed family that lives in our area, thanks to our local librarian! She's a gem. We had a lovely visit with this family and the mum kindly put me in t
ouch with local home ed meet ups. Levi actually hid the entirely 2 hours we were chatting, Sonny joined in but I think Levi felt some pressure and feeling that this was going to become his normal and his routine was being shaken. After saying goodbye, however, Levi was telling be how lovely the family was , they really were! And how excited he is to meet up with other home ed friends. This was a super sweet interaction.
Thursday, again Sonny was at nursery. Levi spent his morning with Daddy playing a game on the Switch, which he loved. I have since played the game, it is hard and you definitely learn some skills playing including communication, directions, patience and shapes. It is really fun and fast becoming a staple in our household to play as a family. If you are interested in the game, this is it - (*Please note that this is an affiliate link). He then spent the afternoon reading with me and played with Sonny all evening.
Friday was a massive day for us as we were going to our first home ed group in a local woods with a stream. It took the boys some time to warm up, but by the time we left both Levi and Sonny had made friends and interacted with all the kids. They played in the water, made dens and ran around. It was a beautiful day. I got to chat with the parents and realised that even if you have home education in common that doesn't mean you are going to get on with every home education family you meet - more on this in another post. The boys had a lovely day though, which is really important.
Levi has recognised that he won't get to see his school friends everyday and this is something that he will be coming to terms with over the next few weeks. We will be staying in contact with many of his classmates as his time at school was very positive and I don't want him to lose those connections and friendships that he made.

All in all a great week, lots of fun , but also lots of stress, anxiety and lack of me time. A balance will need to be found. We will find it! We are currently on week three and still finding our feet. It is most definitely a work in progress.